Why Dry Air Is Bad for You and Your Home
November 2, 2018

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This is the time of year when we start noticing the effects of dry air. Low humidity can pose problems throughout the year, but cold, winter air can be especially brutal.
If the indoor air of your house becomes too dry, it can cause problems both for you and your home. Although you can partially combat the problem of low humidity with a portable humidifier, the best way to provide a solution to aridity is to install a whole-house humidifier.
Keep in mind that some portable humidifiers can be a safety hazard, especially if you have young ones at home—the hot water or steam can cause burns.
Whole-home humidification can maintain ideal indoor humidity levels by adding or removing moisture as necessary
Finding and installing the right humidifier for your home requires the assistance of indoor air quality specialists. Fix-It 24/7 is here to give you the help you need with humidifiers in the Denver, CO area.
Why Is Dry Air Bad for You and Your Home?
When the temperatures start dropping, the humidity does too. Dry, winter air can cause chapped lips, scratchy throats, bloody noses, sinus problems, and dry skin and hair.
Here are some signs you have dry air at home:
- Dry, itchy nose and throat
- Dry skin and chapped lips
- Skin problems, including eczema and acne
- Cracking and warping of wood and materials
- Static electricity discharges
- Health and comfort issues
- Stale or stuffy air
- Damage to your home and furnishings, such as wood and art
You can also measure your home’s relative humidity with a hygrometer.
The worst part about dry is the effect it has on your health. Ever wonder why illness and respiratory infections increase during the cold winter months? It’s usually because of the drying effects of low humidity. Since the mucous membranes in your throat and nose help trap viruses and bacteria before they reach your lungs, when they dry air out, airborne particles can more easily enter your body. By maintaining healthy indoor humidity levels, you can reduce your chance of getting sick this winter.
If you have valuable books, paintings, sculptures, and other hygroscopic materials at home, even small changes in humidity can cause a lot of damage. In fact, the first air conditioner was invented by Willis Carrier to solve a humidity problem at a printing press, not to cool down the air. Humidity was causing the paper and ink to warp and run.
The best way to protect your health and home from the effects of dry air is to install a whole-home humidification system.
Since dry air pulls moisture from anything it comes in contact with, all hygroscopic (water absorbing) materials will be affected. This includes paper, textiles, molding, musical instruments, canvases, and some plastics, wax, porcelain, food, and other materials that can absorb or give up moisture.
Fight Dry Air with Whole-Home Humidification
1. Increased comfort
If you’ve experienced a heavy humid summer day, you know that the increased moisture makes the heat feel worse. The opposite is true for dry temperatures: low humidity during cold weather makes the cold feel worse.
Dry air feels cold against your skin because low humidity soaks up moisture from your body, cooling down your skin. This causes you to turn up the heater, which ends up drying out the air even more. End the cycle of discomfort. Balanced moisture from a humidifier will help you feel more comfortable while letting you keep your thermostat turned down.
2. Better health
Low humidity levels inside a home can cause skin dryness, respiratory infections, and the easy spread of flu and colds. A number of dangerous viruses thrive in a drier environment, but balanced humidity (33%–55% during winter) inhibits them.
With a humidifier, you can expect to have better health year-round as well as fewer nuisances from static electricity. You can finally stop worrying about each time you touch that doorknob!
3. Reduced indoor damage
Dry air can have a deteriorating effect on your home and possessions. Low humidity can cause warping and cracking of wood furniture and floors, as well as musical instruments, art, and books. A humidifier will help protect your home and belongings.
Find the Right Humidifier for You
Contact Fix-It 24/7 to find out more about whole-home humidification and indoor air quality solutions in the Denver area. We carry a variety of models, and with the help of our experts, we’ll find the humidifier that can counteract whatever problems with dry air you are experiencing in your home.
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