What Else is Your Air Conditioner Doing Besides Cooling?
May 28, 2021

You’re ready for summer, but know you’ll be going indoors to cool off from time to time. But did you now that your air conditioner isn’t just for cooling? It’s true. There are many advantages of an air conditioner as it serves multiple purposes.
Hidden Benefits of Air Conditioning
- Filtering the Air: Air conditioned rooms have the benefit of filtered air. Your HVAC system can capture pollen, dust, pet dander, and many other irritants and allergens that can otherwise continuously circulate throughout your home. Filters also remove mold, bacteria, and various sources of air pollution, which indoors can be more concentrated than outside.
- Controlling Moisture: High humidity prevents sweat from evaporating off of your skin and makes the room feel even hotter. It can also have adverse health effects. Dehumidification contributes to air conditioning health benefits and is one of your AC’s main tasks. Removal of moisture can reduce the spread of illness and is an essential part of any mold prevention plan.
Additionally, your air conditioner can make sure humidity levels don’t go too low. Dry air can make things uncomfortable too, causing; dry skin, hair, and sinuses. Dry sinuses can lead to respiratory infections while viruses like COVID-19 to thrive in low humidity settings.
- Reduce Asthma Attacks: One of the health benefits of an air conditioner is it can reduce your chances of having an asthma attack. Airborne outdoor allergens that get into your home, and indoor allergens such as dust mites, are filtered out. Clean or replace the filters regularly to continue having one of the greatest AC benefits, which is helping keep irritants out of your lungs and providing relief from asthma symptoms.
- Better Sleep: Being too hot and sweaty can prevent you from sleeping. It’s no fun to toss and turn for hours on end, and a lack of sleep will lead to feeling fatigued all day. One of the purposes of air conditioning is to help lower your body temperature, so you can fall asleep and have a more restful night. With better sleep habits, you can get more done during the day.
- Prevents Electronics from Overheating: When you use an air conditioner, the air in your home is cooled to a point that electrical appliances are less likely to overheat. This is a big risk during a heat wave and your home isn’t properly cooled. Your AC can help microwave ovens, toasters, and other appliances as well as your mobile phone last longer. Air conditioned electronics are also less likely to lose data.
- Improves Focus: A lack of focus can result from high room temperatures, which can be quite stressful. Another AC advantage is improved concentration, whether you’re doing chores around the house, reading, or working. Air conditioning can also cool your temper as you’re not as stressed, which also helps improve productivity.
- Reduces Risk of Mold: With a properly maintained air conditioner, mold is less likely to grow. Your AC helps manage air quality by filtering out mold spores and removing the conditions they thrive in. There are other things you can do to prevent mold as well. Cleaning humid areas such as bathrooms often, which are prone to collecting mold, is an effective preventative measure. If left unchecked, mold can make you sick and cause extensive property damage.
Let Fix-It 24/7 Service Your Air Conditioning
Air conditioning can reduce heat stroke and general discomfort. At Fix-It 24/7, we’re also aware of the relationship between air conditioning and asthma and experienced at fixing all types of issues to keep your AC running. We are available 24/7 including weekends and holidays. You can depend on us for quick installation and expert repair, so you can use air conditioners free of trouble during the hottest days and nights. Call (303) 214-0277 to request service in the Denver area.
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