Troubleshooting Common AC Problems
April 23, 2018

Warm weather is right around the corner, so your air conditioner should be ready to work for you. If you turn your AC on for the first time of the season and it experiences startup problems, or it begins to struggle after a few uses, you may need repairs. No matter what the problem is, you need to have it fixed before the warm weather hits! Here are some of the most common AC problems, and how you can troubleshoot:
Common AC Problems
- Start-up problems: Your AC should turn on when you want it to. If it’s experiencing start-up issues, it’s a sure sign that you have a problem. You can try resetting the circuit breaker or replacing a fuse. If this doesn’t work, you should call a Cranney professional. You need your AC to be ready to work when the weather gets hot!
- Thermostat problems: If your thermostat is broken or damaged it may have trouble reaching your desired temperature. If you find yourself setting your thermostat lower than usual and it still doesn’t feel as cool as it should, you should call Cranney. We will know whether your thermostat needs to be recalibrated or replaced.
- Airflow inconsistencies: Weak air flow and inconsistent heating can make your home uncomfortable. If your AC is showing these signs of wear and tear, it should be dealt with immediately.
- Moisture: Condensation can cause mold or mildew to grow very quickly. If left untreated, they can be introduced into your air supply. Exposure to these particles can worsen asthma symptoms as well as other breathing related illnesses.
- Strange smells: The air coming from your AC shouldn’t smell like anything at all. A musty smell is a sign of mold or mildew buildup inside the unit or connecting ducts. A rotten egg or meat smell may be a sign that pests are present. Burning smells need to be addressed as well.
- Unusual sounds: The older the AC, the more likely it is to make noise. All models have a fan, so they aren’t ever completely soundless. If you hear any loud bangs or whistles, it could be caused by buildup, broken fan motor, or a worn-down fan belt. These problems can escalate over time, so it’s best to have them repaired as soon as possible.
- Frequent cycling: This can happen for several reasons, but a Cranney professional will be able to locate the source of the problem.
- Model Size: Some of these issues are caused by one simple thing– the size of your AC unit. If it’s too big or too small, it won’t be able to properly cool your home.
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