Top Air Conditioning Myths
June 4, 2021

Although the facts have been known for decades, numerous misconceptions about air conditioning are treated like common knowledge. Settling for these common air conditioning myths can cost you dearly; at the very least, you’ll get much less from your AC. To keep you from making these mistakes here are some of the most common myths to reject and the truths you should accept.
AC Myth 1. A Lower Temperature Setting Will Cool Your Home Faster
Setting the thermostat lower won’t cool your home faster and will waste energy. Whether you adjust it down one degree or by 25, your AC works just as hard. There’s no need to set it lower. It’ll reach the desired temperature regardless without increasing workload or energy consumption.
AC Myth 2. Keep Your HVAC System For As Long As Possible
Historically, homeowners have avoided replacing their AC until it quits completely. While replacing it is a larger up-front investment, doing so can save you money on repairs and in energy costs. Older ACs not only become more inefficient with age. Newer models must adhere to stricter efficiency standards.
AC Myth 3. Air Conditioner Maintenance Is Optional
Larger HVAC problems are almost always preceded by minor issues. Believing your AC only needs professional attention when it’s broken will lead to trouble. Problems are more affordable early on, and maintaining your AC prevents expensive service calls. Have your system serviced at least 1-2 times per year.
AC Myth 4. A Bigger Unit Is Always Better
Each air conditioner is engineered to cool a certain number of square feet. Installing a larger unit than you need is not going to have any benefits. Instead of cooling faster, it will turn on and off constantly, using more energy and wearing itself out sooner.
AC Myth 5. Close Vents Serving Areas You Don’t Use
While it may seem practical to close vents in unused rooms, this can strain the system. The same amount of air will be circulated, but closing vents creates air distribution problems. It can also reduce blower efficiency.
AC Myth 6. AC’s Are Always Ready for the Summer
Homeowners often believe their powerful cooling machines are always primed for the summer months. However, they need to be prepped. Dirt and debris build up during winter and fan filters need to be changed. If you don’t service your AC in the spring, it could fail during the peak of a heat wave.
AC Myth 7. You Can Catch a Cold from Your AC
Poorly maintained duct work can circulate germs and particulates throughout your home. But you cannot catch a cold through an air conditioner. Colds are caused by viruses. Unless these are present in your HVAC system or indoor air, you won’t get a cold from your AC.
AC Myth 8. I Don’t Need to Change Filters If My House Is Clean
If you vacuum regularly and/or don’t see much dust in your home, you still need to check your air filter every 30 to 90 days. It saves energy and can protect your system from expensive repairs.
AC Myth 9. An Air Conditioner Only Cools Air
An AC does much more than cool the air in your home. It also removes humidity, helps clean the air, and provides ventilation so you receive a constant supply of fresh air.
AC Myth 10. The Thermostat Can Go Anywhere
You might think the thermostat will work matter where you put it. But placing it in direct sunlight or near a doorway, window, or skylight can lead to inaccurate readings. If the unit can’t read ambient temperatures properly, your AC will be less efficient. Therefore, place the thermostat on an interior wall, in a commonly used room, away from obstructions such as furniture.
Contact Fix-It 24/7
We specialize in AC installation, maintenance, and repair in the Denver area. If you have any questions about your air conditioner, require thermostat installation, or want to request professional service, call us today at (303) 214-0277.
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