Improve Your Local Water Supply for Water Quality Month
July 13, 2018

Turn on the tap and high-quality drinking water comes out. While it may seem like magic, it’s not. It has to come from somewhere.
While Arvada and Denver have some of the best drinking water in the country due to high-quality mountain snow runoff and strict water treatment procedures, it’s still important for residents to help protect the local water supply by being responsible citizens.
Even though water is carefully treated by the city before it reaches your tap, there are still many ways you can help protect the water supply.
August is Water Quality Month. Celebrate Water Quality Month this August by helping protect our city and nation’s water sources!
Improve Your Local Water Supply for Water Quality Month
1. Contact a Plumber to Inspect Your Plumbing Pipes and Fixtures
While the City of Denver and the City of Arvada will treat and test the water supply before entering your home or business, there is no way for them to know if your older plumbing pipes or fixtures are introducing contaminants into your tap water. If you suspect low-quality tap water, speak with a professional plumber.
While you can minimize your exposure to contaminants in the water, especially lead, by flushing the tap for 30 seconds before using the water for drinking or cooking, it’s best to consult a professional plumber. This way, you can save water and make sure you have high-quality drinking water.
2. Be Careful What You Flush Down the Drain
Everything you flush down your toilet and other drains affect the water supply. Switch to environmentally-friendly and non-toxic detergents, creams, lotions, and soaps.
Also, never flush medications, wet wipes, or anything indestructible down the drain. Even very low concentrations of medications can affect fish and other aquatic animals. And while wet wipes are marketed as “flushable,” they can cause major problems for septic and water treatment plants.
To safely and responsibly get rid of prescription drugs, look for take-back programs in your state.
3. Prevent Contaminating Water Runoff
When water flows across rooftops, lawns, driveways, walking paths, sidewalks, streets, and land, it picks up contaminants and transports them into the storm drains. Think gasoline, oil, auto fluids, pesticides, herbicides, fertilizers, pool chemicals, litter, pet and wildlife waste.
To help prevent contaminating the nation’s water, follow these tips:
- If using pesticides and fertilizers, implement conservation buffers.
- Only use organic/non-toxic alternatives for garden and lawn chemicals.
- Speak with a professional plumber about cisterns and rain battels to catch roof runoff.
- Always clean up after your pet.
- Pick up litter and discard trash properly.
- Have a professional plumber inspect your septic system every year.
- Follow the car maintenance schedule as outlined in your owner’s manual. Be on the lookout for any leaking fluids from your automobile.
- Carpool, walk, or ride a bike whenever you can.
4. Speak with a Professional Plumber
Contact a professional plumber to test your water and inspect your old pipes and fixtures. In addition to making sure your pipes and fixtures are safe, consider investing in a whole-home water filtration or purification system to remove lead, chemicals, heavy metals, and other contaminants. While hard water is safe to consume, it can be horrible for your skin and hair. Learn more about hard water and whole-home water softeners.
Fix-It 24/7 can install point-of-use and whole-home water purification system for your home.
Arvada and Denver Water Quality (2018)
The good news is the City of Arvada and the City of Denver have met or exceeded all of the strict water quality standards required by the State of Colorado and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
- Download the 2018 Arvada Water Quality Report [pdf]
- Download the 2018 Denver water Quality Report [pdf]
To report a water break or sewer backup after hours or on the weekend: (303) 214-0277.
To report a water problem electronically, 24/7, use Ask Arvada.
Learn more plumbing tips for homeowners.
If you suspect a plumbing problem, don’t hesitate to contact the certified, on-time professionals at Fix-It 24/7.
Schedule your plumbing maintenance service in Denver today, or better yet, sign up for our home maintenance plan — the Fix-It Green Club.
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