5 Tips for High Efficiency Air Conditioning in Denver
June 20, 2018

Your air conditioning is doing wonders right now for keeping your home cool in the middle of all this hot weather. But are you realizing that it’s not proving beneficial when it comes to energy efficiency? The level of cooling may be high, but so are the costs for your energy bills. In that case, we’re glad to inform you that it’s possible to have high-efficiency air conditioning that keeps you cool in Denver. All you need to do is follow a few simple steps, and you’ll be saving money on cool air in no time.
At Fix-It 24/7, we want to see you with cool air that’s both effective and efficient. We believe you shouldn’t have to worry about high costs on bills every time you turn on your air conditioning. That’s why we want to ensure you have high-efficiency air conditioning in Denver that keeps the whole family happy. Our expert team is always available to provide you with advice that will bring air conditioning to new heights. With a system that keeps everyone cool and keeps money in your pocket, what could possibly be better?
High-Efficiency Air Conditioning in Denver: What Can You Do?
If you want to keep air conditioning efficient this summer, please follow these helpful tips:
- Change and replace air conditioning filters regularly. Blocked air filters are a leading cause in preventing air conditioning from being totally efficient, as the blockage will only force your air conditioning to work harder. This causes an increase in energy consumption. Dirt, dust, and debris are common sources of blockage.
- Call for an air conditioning tune-up once a year. This should ideally be done right before summer starts. During a tune-up, a professional will be able to examine your air conditioning closely and eliminate any problems that would otherwise lessen its efficiency.
- If your system is older than 10 years, it’s time for a replacement. Though your air conditioning will be able to work long past 10 years, it becomes more prone to experiencing problems that will decrease energy-efficiency and increase costs of repair.
- Seal any air leaks in your home that would cause you to lose cool air. Air leaks are usually found in attics and crawl spaces, so make sure to inspect these two areas first. These can be sealed with mastic tape. Also, check that all windows are sealed properly before turning your system on.
- Invest in a programmable thermostat. A thermostat will give you greater control over in-home climate so you’re not using more cool air than necessary. You can program it to have a higher home temperature when you’re not there, and then turn down when you’ll be there. This feature is especially helpful when there isn’t anyone home or to adjust to changing temperatures during the day.
Contact Fix-It 24/7 today if you want to learn more on how you can ensure you have high-efficiency air conditioning in Denver!
We are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Call us at (303) 214-0277
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