Benefits of a Forced Air Heating System
January 15, 2020

With cooler weather moving into Thornton, everyone is shifting from keeping the house cool to turning on heaters. During this transition, it may be a good idea to look into a Forced Air Heating System. A Forced Air Heating System uses air as a heat transfer medium, keeping you warm even during the coldest days.
If you’re considering purchasing a forced air system, here are a few important things about forced air systems that you need to know:
How They Work
First, it’s important to have a basic understanding of how forced air systems work. Forced air systems use a furnace or heat pump to heat the air and then disperse it through the house via ductwork and in-room vents.
Once the temperature is set, chilly air from the home is pulled into the system where it passes through the air filter. The filter removes allergens like pollen and dust. It then blows the air through the air handler. Here it is warmed via the furnace’s heat source and spread to the home through the ducts by the blower motor.
If a heat pump is your source for heat, it will immediately begin pulling heat out of the air at the outdoor unit. It will pass through the refrigerant lines going into your home, and then through the air handler and into your ducts. These heating processes repeat themselves until the temperature of the home matches the temperature set at the thermostat.
Why You Need to Invest in a Forced Air Heating System
A forced air system has several features that make it great for controlling the air quality and temperature in your home. Here are some of the more important benefits you should know about:
- Air quality and comfort. With regular furnace filter maintenance, a forced air system can improve the air quality in your home. Furnace filters in forced air systems trap allergens and airborne particles that can make breathing difficult or get your family sick. Additionally, dehumidifier or humidifier units can be added to forced air systems to keep the air in your home at a comfortable humidity level without adding excess energy usage.
- Energy efficiency. The government now requires new forced air systems to operate at higher efficiency levels than ever before. These efficiency ratings ensure that your fixed air system will heat your home efficiently, without wasting heat and hurting your bottom line.
- Combined heating and cooling. Forced air systems are the only HVAC systems that can combine heating and cooling. The ductwork used for the heating aspect of your forced air system can also distribute central air conditioning throughout your home.
Forced Air System Installation & Repair
Looking for a good Forced Air Heating System? Fix-It 24/7 Plumbing, Heating & Air has everything you need at the best possible price.
A good heating system can be hard to find. Our company will provide you with the best Forced Air Heating System options with our direct factory selection. Heat is easily regulated by a thermostat and can even be installed in advance! Our staff has over 40 years of experience and knows how to effectively install a Forced Air System into your business or home.
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