5 Signs You’ll Need Duct Repair in Denver
October 27, 2020

For the most part, your plumbing pipes aren’t exposed to the elements. However, the very water they carry can still cause the pipes to get worn down over time. As they get older and worn down, pipes become prone to rust, corrosion, and general disrepair. Any failure in your home’s plumbing can result in major water damage. If you know what to look for, you can schedule a repiping and avert disaster. Let us show you some signs that you should call Fix-It 24/7 to help you with a repiping in Denver.
Here are 5 things that should have you considering a repiping in Denver:
Colorful water
Does your water look strangely colorful or have sediment in it? That could be a sign of rust and corrosion in your pipes that needs to be dealt with quickly. Aside from the usual problems, rust can damage your pipes over time, making them more prone to failure. If you have a tank water heater and your hot water comes out rusty, there’s a possibility that the problem is with your water heater tank. However, if all of your water is rusty, a piping replacement is likely your best option.
Low water pressure
If your home’s water pressure seems weaker than normal, you should check your pipes over for damage. The problem could simply be a clog, but leaks and pinholes in the pipes can also reduce the pressure by giving the water a way to escape. In addition, leaky pipes can cause other problems, such as water damage and mold growth. If drain cleaner isn’t helping your pressure problem, you might need the help of one of our plumbers.
Outdated piping
Some types of piping your home can have may be considered outdated due to the existence of superior materials. For instance, galvanized metal pipes are heavy and have a tendency to corrode and rust internally, causing discolored water. Meanwhile, polybutylene piping tends to break down frequently, costing you a lot in repeated repairs. Getting your piping replaced with modern materials can fix these problems.
Lead piping
When it comes to outdated piping materials, lead is the one that should result in an immediate call for a plumber, and maybe even a doctor. Lead pipes are gray and softer than other pipes (you can see this for yourself if you scratch it with a screwdriver.) While a popular material in the past, lead is nowadays known for causing serious health conditions if consumed. If you find that your house has lead piping, call us as soon as possible so we can get safer pipes for your home.
Age and pipe material lifetimes
If you’re replacing your pipes based on your age, you have to take into consideration what material they’re made of. Galvanized metal pipes, for instance, last 20 to 50 years and are primarily from the 1930s to ’80s. Any galvanized metal pipes still in use are probably due for retirement. Meanwhile, more modern materials like copper and PVC can last a lot longer and likely haven’t been around for as long. However, keep in mind that the pipe joints and fixtures can also become worn down, as well. If the pipes are acting up despite being relatively new, you should ask us about doing preventative maintenance.
Why choose Fix-It 24/7 to change out my home’s piping?
As one of the Denver Metro’s best home service companies, we’re committed to helping out with any of your plumbing problems. Highly skilled in all manner of household repairs, we’re also committed to the small business mentality of treating every customer with respect. We’re on call to help you with leaks 24/7, and our technicians will never charge an overtime fee. Call Fix-It 24/7 today to learn more about our repiping services and get the best service around the Denver area!
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